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Primary Practice Address
1345 UNITY PL STE 355
LAFAYETTE, IN 47905-5761 US
PECOS Enrolled

Dorisse Mireille Nguimfack

Nurse Practitioner

Dorisse Mireille Nguimfack


Dorisse Mireille Nguimfack is a Nurse Practitioner in the LAFAYETTE area and has over 12 years of experience. Dorisse Mireille Nguimfack primary office location is at 1345 UNITY PL STE 355 and new patients are welcome to contact this healthcare provider for an appointment. We do not know where she was educated but we know that she graduated in 2013 The NPI number is 1922422963 and the information was updated approximately 4 years ago.

Dorisse Mireille Nguimfack is affiliated with one medical group in the LAFAYETTE area, OSH-IN PHYSICIANS GROUP PC.

We have not detected any Exclusions tied directly to this NPI.

Accepts Medicare Assignment: Unknown

Is sole proprietor: NO

Participates in PECOS: YES (See any PECOS details below)

Contact Information

Primary Practice Location Information
1345 UNITY PL STE 355
LAFAYETTE, IN 47905-5761 US
Phone: (765)-807-7988
Practice Mailing Information
PO BOX 4699
LAFAYETTE, IN 47905-5761 US
Phone: (765)-449-2732
Fax: (765)-449-1196
License NumberState