profile image
Primary Practice Address
555 W SR 164
SALEM, UT 84653-1635 US
Accepts Medicare Payment

PECOS Enrolled

Troy Lunceford

Internal Medicine Physician

Troy Lunceford


Troy Lunceford is a Internal Medicine Physician in the SALEM area and has over 21 years of experience. Troy Lunceford primary office location is at 555 W SR 164 and new patients are welcome to contact this healthcare provider for an appointment. We do not know where he was educated but we know that he graduated in 2004

Troy Lunceford is affiliated with eight hospitals in the SALEM area, including . The NPI number is 1194842286 and the information was updated approximately 2 years ago.

Troy Lunceford is affiliated with one medical group in the SALEM area, CENTRAL UTAH CLINIC, P.C..

We have not detected any Exclusions tied directly to this NPI.

Accepts Medicare Assignment: Yes

Is sole proprietor: NO

Participates in PECOS: YES (See any PECOS details below)

Contact Information

Primary Practice Location Information
555 W SR 164
SALEM, UT 84653-1635 US
Phone: (801)-465-4813
Practice Mailing Information
1055 N 500 W
PROVO, UT 84653-1635 US
Phone: (801)-354-8225
Fax: (801)-418-0941

Practice Location Addresses: 1

License Number State
377346-1205 UT