profile image
Primary Practice Address
321 HIGHWAY 13 S
MORTON, MS 39117-3353 US
Accepts Medicare Payment

PECOS Enrolled

Ruby L Lucroy

Nurse Practitioner (Family)

Ruby L Lucroy


Ruby L Lucroy is a Nurse Practitioner (Family) in the MORTON area and has over 26 years of experience. Ruby L Lucroy primary office location is at 321 HIGHWAY 13 S and new patients are welcome to contact this healthcare provider for an appointment. We do not know where she was educated but we know that she graduated in 1999

Ruby L Lucroy is affiliated with one hospital in the MORTON area, OCHSNER SCOTT REGIONAL. The NPI number is 1194830398 and the information was updated approximately 12 years ago.

Ruby L Lucroy is affiliated with one medical group in the MORTON area, STATE OF MISSISSIPPI - UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER.

We have not detected any Exclusions tied directly to this NPI.

Accepts Medicare Assignment: Yes

Is sole proprietor: NO

Participates in PECOS: YES (See any PECOS details below)

Contact Information

Primary Practice Location Information
321 HIGHWAY 13 S
MORTON, MS 39117-3353 US
Phone: (601)-732-8612
Practice Mailing Information
PO BOX 2065
MERIDIAN, MS 39117-3353 US
Phone: (601)-703-4282
Fax: (601)-703-4597

Practice Location Addresses: 2

License NumberState

Internal Medicine Physicians in Nearby Cities