Taxonomy Code 2084P0015X

Classification: Psychiatry & Neurology


Psychosomatic Medicine is subspecialty in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms in complex medically ill patients. This subspecialty includes treatment of patients with acute or chronic medical, neurological, obstetrical or surgical illness in which psychiatric illness is affecting their medical care and/or quality of life such as HIV infection, organ transplantation, heart disease, renal failure, cancer, stroke, traumatic brain injury, high-risk pregnancy and COPD, among others. Patients also may be those who have a psychiatric disorder that is the direct consequence of a primary medical condition, or a somatoform disorder or psychological factors affecting a general medical condition. Psychiatrists specializing in Psychosomatic Medicine provide consultation-liaison services in general medical hospitals, attend on medical psychiatry inpatient units, and provide collaborative care in primary care and other outpatient settings.


The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc. [1/1/2007: new]

Providers in Texas are listed here if either their primary or any of their secondary taxonomy codes are 2084P0015X.

  Referral DataYou can view referral as well as competitor data and purchase referral data from the 2009 to 2015 Time Period for this provider/organization. Click here for more information.
  Individualse.g., physicians, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, pharmacists, physical therapists, etc
  Organizationse.g., hospitals, home health agencies, ambulance companies, health maintenance organizations, durable medical equipment suppliers, pharmacies, etc