Taxonomy Code 261QM2500X

Classification: Clinic/Center


An entity, facility, or distinct part of a facility providing diagnostic, treatment, and prescriptive services related to a specific area of medical specialization. Frequently used for Title V related Children's Specialty services or to meet specific public health needs (e.g., infectious diseases or breast and cervical cancer).


[7/1/2003: new]

Organizations in Oklahoma are listed here if either their primary or any of their secondary taxonomy codes are 261QM2500X.

  Referral DataYou can view referral as well as competitor data and purchase referral data from the 2009 to 2015 Time Period for this provider/organization. Click here for more information.
  Individualse.g., physicians, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, pharmacists, physical therapists, etc
  Organizationse.g., hospitals, home health agencies, ambulance companies, health maintenance organizations, durable medical equipment suppliers, pharmacies, etc