Taxonomy Code 246ZC0007X

Classification: Specialist/Technologist, Other


A surgical assistant is a skilled practitioner who has undergone formalized education and training as a surgical assistant. The surgical assistant performs surgical functions that include, but are not limited to: retracting, manipulating, suturing, clamping, cauterizing, litigating, and tying tissue; suctioning, irrigating and sponging; positioning the patient; closure of body planes and skin; and participating in hemostasis and volume replacement. Surgical assistants are certified and registered or licensed by the state, or, in states without licensure, certified as surgical assistants by completing appropriate education and training.


Source: Association of Surgical Assistants, 2014. [7/1/2007: new, 7/1/2014: title modified, definition modified]
Additional Resources: National Surgical Assistant Association,

Providers in Georgia are listed here if either their primary or any of their secondary taxonomy codes are 246ZC0007X.

  Referral DataYou can view referral as well as competitor data and purchase referral data from the 2009 to 2015 Time Period for this provider/organization. Click here for more information.
  Individualse.g., physicians, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, pharmacists, physical therapists, etc
  Organizationse.g., hospitals, home health agencies, ambulance companies, health maintenance organizations, durable medical equipment suppliers, pharmacies, etc