Physician Assistant (Surgical)
Taxonomy Code 363AS0400X

Classification: Physician Assistant

Quick Links : Map of Physician Assistants (Surgical) per State | Number of Physician Assistants (Surgical) per State


Definition to come...

Additional Taxonomy Codes from Physician Assistants

  • 363A00000X Physician Assistant
    A physician assistant is a person who has successfully completed an accredited education program for physician assistant, is licensed by the state and is practicing within the scope of that license. Physician assistants are formally trained to perform many of the routine, time-consuming tasks a physician can do. In some states, they may prescribe medications. They take medical histories, perform physical exams, order lab tests and x-rays, and give inoculations. Most states require that they work under the supervision of a physician.
  • 363AM0700X Physician Assistant (Medical)
    Definition to come...

← Back to parent taxonomy: Physician Assistants

Volume numbers are based on primary as well as secondary taxonomy codes of Providers.

Physician Assistants (Surgical) Ratio per State

  • 0.00
  • 240.20
  • 480.40
  • 720.60
  • 960.80
  • 1201.00
  • 1441.20
  • 1681.40
  • 1921.60
  • 2161.80

Green Color Indicates no Provider(s) recorded for that state

When you move the pointer over a state, it will display more useful information.

The NPI Database was last updated on 6/30/2024 with 8,412,030 records.