Prescribers of AVONEX PEN (INTERFERON BETA-1A) in Utah
The providers are sorted by Number of Prescriptions in Utah. Cost Rank is for Prescriptions in Utah
Provider | City | # of Patients | Patients Rank | # Of Prescriptions | Prescriptions Rank | Total Cost | Cost Rank |
CHARLES G. HUNTER, DPM (Podiatry) | SANDY | 38 | 1 | 62 | 1 | $1,997 | 1 |
DR. KARL K. TRIMBLE, MD (Dermatology) | ST GEORGE | 35 | 1 | 55 | 1 | $1,881 | 1 |
DR. RYAN T. RUSHTON, DPM (Podiatry) | MIDVALE | 22 | 2 | 33 | 2 | $1,210 | 2 |
GREGORY ROWAN, D.P.M. (Podiatry) | SALT LAKE CITY | 14 | 3 | 29 | 3 | $1,152 | 3 |
DR. JEFFREY L. STEWART, DPM (Podiatry) | ST GEORGE | < 11 | 4 | 18 | 4 | $590 | 5 |
STEWART WEST, MD (Dermatology) | AMERICAN FORK | 11 | 2 | 18 | 2 | $754 | 3 |
KIM A. HALLADAY, D.P.M. (Podiatry) | TOOELE | < 11 | 4 | 17 | 5 | $626 | 4 |
MARC SANDERS, MD (Dermatology) | SALT LAKE CITY | < 11 | 3 | 17 | 3 | $548 | 5 |
C HANSEN, M.D. (Dermatology) | SALT LAKE CITY | < 11 | 3 | 16 | 4 | $710 | 4 |
DR. JEREMY STRANGE, DPM (Podiatry) | VERNAL | < 11 | 4 | 14 | 6 | $441 | 6 |
DOUGLASS FORSHA, M.D. (Dermatology) | WEST JORDAN | < 11 | 3 | 12 | 5 | $818 | 2 |
JOSEPH V. COOK, MD (Family Practice) | AMERICAN FORK | < 11 | 1 | 12 | 1 | $2,269 | 1 |
CHRISTINA LINTON, NP (Nurse Practitioner) | PROVO | < 11 | 1 | 11 | 1 | $2,435 | 1 |
MR. CASEY R. NELSON, PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT (Physician Assistant) | SALT LAKE CITY | < 11 | 1 | 11 | 1 | $624 | 1 |
Prescription Information
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services