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Marcus Lowry
Dentist (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics)
No Referral Sources
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Practice Locations 1 Prescriptions Same Address Same Phone
No Medical Groups
No Affl. Hospitals

Prescriptions made by Marcus Lowry

Data for 2018


Medicare Part D Prescriptions Filled, Including Refills

Rank: 155 out of 735 providers in this state and specialty


Total Retail Price of All Prescriptions

Rank: 82 out of 735 providers in this state and specialty

< 11

Patients Receiving at Least One Drug in Part D

Rank: 100 out of 735 providers in this state and specialty


Average Risk Score

Not enough data available


Average Age of Patients

Not enough data available

Drug Categories



An opioid drug. Prescription opioids (painkillers) can help alleviate certain kinds of pain in the short term but carry serious health risks.


Used to treat bacterial infections but are often prescribed incorrectly to treat viral infections, such as chest colds or the flu.


Used to manage psychosis, principally in schizophrenia but also in a range of other psychotic disorders.

Prescription Data

The table below list this provider’s drugs, the number of prescriptions and how many went to seniors. Drugs are ranked by volume. Rank in State ranks all providers that have the self-identified specialty of Dentist in Idaho and ranks the number of prescriptions that have been made for the specific drug.

Drug Name Rank in State Total Prescriptions Filled with Refills Prescript. to 65+ Patients Receiving this Drug Patients 65+ OAP
110 prescriptions
Less than 1% of all prescriptions
110< 11< 11