- Student (882)
- Physician Assistant (578)
- Nurse Practitioner (422)
- Clinical Social Worker (350)
- Speech-Language Pathologist (333)
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (328)
- Pharmacist (308)
- Mental Health Counselor (287)
- Professional Counselor (238)
- Internal Medicine Physician (223)
- Behavior Technician (214)
- Physical Therapist (208)
- Anesthesiologist (197)
- Family Medicine Physician (173)
- Emergency Medicine Physician (156)
- Nurse Practitioner (Family) (150)
- Hospitalist (141)
- Occupational Therapist (135)
- General Dentist (131)
- Pediatrician (122)
Directory of 9,042 Doctors and other Health Care Professionals in Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA
NPI Dashboard is your most comprehensive directory of doctors and other health-care professionals in Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA. NPI Dashboard provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, affiliated hospitals and more, of 9,042 Medicare-certified and other providers.
The directory of Doctors and other Health Care Professionals in Winston Salem, North Carolina was last updated 6/30/2024
List of All Specialties in Winston Salem
- Acupuncturist (8)
- Addiction Counselor (100)
- Adult Companion (1)
- Advanced Practice Midwife (24)
- Allergist-Immunologist (9)
- Anatomic Pathologist (13)
- Anesthesiologist (197)
- Anesthesiologist (Critical Care) (6)
- Anesthesiologist (Pain Medicine) (16)
- Anesthesiologist (Pediatric) (1)
- Assistant Behavior Analyst (2)
- Assisted Living Facility (3)
- Assisted Living Facility (Mental Illness) (1)
- Athletic Trainer (51)
- Attendant Care Provider Technician (1)
- Audiologist (34)
- Audiologist (Assistive Technology Practitioner) (2)
- Audiologist-Hearing Aid Fitter (3)
- Behavior Technician (214)
- Behavioral Analyst (47)
- Cardiologist (61)
- Cardiologist (Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant) (3)
- Cardiologist (Electrophysiology) (11)
- Cardiovascular Specialist/Technologist (Sonography) (1)
- Case Management Agency (3)
- Case Manager/Care Coordinator (6)
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (328)
- Certified Respiratory Therapist (1)
- Chemical Pathologist (1)
- Child Neurologist (5)
- Chiropractor (51)
- Clinical Exercise Physiologist (1)
- Clinical Geneticist (1)
- Clinical Neurologist (2)
- Clinical Neuropsychologist (7)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist (Adult Psych/Mental Health) (1)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist (Neonatal) (1)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist (Psych/Mental Health) (1)
- Clinical Pathologist (1)
- Clinical Pathologist (Laboratory Medicine) (1)
- Clinical Psychologist (57)
- Clinical Social Worker (350)
- Community Health Worker (7)
- Community/Behavioral Health (6)
- Contractor (5)
- Counselor (96)
- Custodial Care Facility (Adult Care Home) (2)
- Cytopathologist (1)
- Dance Therapist (1)
- Day Training-Developmentally Disabled Services Agency (1)
- Day Training/Habilitation Specialist (1)
- Dental Assistant (1)
- Dental Hygienist (8)
- Dentist (48)
- Dentist (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) (12)
- Dentist (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics) (11)
- Dentist (Periodontics) (7)
- Dentist (Prosthodontics) (2)
- Dentist (Public Health) (1)
- Dermatologist (24)
- Dermatologist (Dermatopathology) (2)
- Dermatologist (MOHS-Micrographic Surgery) (5)
- Dermatopathologist (2)
- Dietary Manager (1)
- Disease Pathologist (42)
- Doula (5)
- Driver (4)
- Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies (4)
- Emergency Medicine Physician (156)
- Emergency Medicine Physician (Non-hospital Emergency) (4)
- Emergency Medicine Physician (Pediatric) (3)
- Emergency Medicine Physician (Sports Medicine) (1)
- Emergency Response Attendant (1)
- Endodontist (7)
- Family Medicine Physician (173)
- Family Medicine Physician (Addiction) (1)
- Family Medicine Physician (Adult) (5)
- Family Medicine Physician (Geriatric) (5)
- Family Medicine Physician (Sports Medicine) (5)
- Federally Qualified Health Clinic/Center (1)
- Forensic Pathologist (3)
- Gastroenterologist (69)
- Gastroenterologist (Transplant Hepatology) (2)
- General Dentist (131)
- General Surgeon (78)
- Genetic Counselor (22)
- Gynecologist (10)
- Health Educator (2)
- Health Maintenance Organization (2)
- Hearing Instrument Specialist (11)
- Hematologist (7)
- Home Health Agency/Organization (13)
- Home Health Aide (18)
- Hospital (1)
- Hospital (Critical Access) (1)
- Hospitalist (141)
- In Home Supportive Care Agency (6)
- Intermediate Care Facility (Mental Illness) (2)
- Internal Medicine Physician (223)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Allergy & Immunology) (1)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Bariatric Medicine) (1)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Critical Care Medicine) (20)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Endocrinology/Diabetes & Metabolism) (29)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Geriatric Medicine) (25)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Hematology & Oncology) (42)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Hospice and Palliative Medicine) (10)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Infectious Disease) (37)
- Internal Medicine Physician (Sleep Medicine) (1)
- Interventional Cardiologist (12)
- Marriage & Family Therapist (45)
- Massage Therapist (46)
- Mastectomy Fitter (7)
- Medical Geneticist (2)
- Medical Laboratory Technician (1)
- Mental Health Counselor (287)
- Midwife (3)
- Music Therapist (1)
- Naturopathic Provider (5)
- Navy Independent Duty Corpsman (IDC) (1)
- Neonatologist (26)
- Nephrologist (33)
- Neurological Surgery (25)
- Neurologist (69)
- Neurologist (Neuromuscular) (1)
- Neuropathologist (1)
- Non-emergency Medical Transport (7)
- Nuclear Cardiology Physician (1)
- Nuclear Medicine Physician (2)
- Nurse Practitioner (422)
- Nurse Practitioner (Acute Care) (10)
- Nurse Practitioner (Adult Health) (45)
- Nurse Practitioner (Critical Care Medicine) (5)
- Nurse Practitioner (Family) (150)
- Nurse Practitioner (Gerontology) (16)
- Nurse Practitioner (Neonatal, Critical Care) (10)
- Nurse Practitioner (Neonatal) (24)
- Nurse Practitioner (Obstetricians & Gynecology) (1)
- Nurse Practitioner (Pediatrics) (20)
- Nurse Practitioner (Pediatrics/Critical Care) (2)
- Nurse Practitioner (Primary Care) (6)
- Nurse Practitioner (Psych/Mental Health) (23)
- Nurse Practitioner (Women's Health) (7)
- Nurse's Aide (4)
- Nursing Care (1)
- Obstetrician (2)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist (71)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist (Gynecologic Oncology) (13)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist (Maternal & Fetal Medicine) (13)
- Obstetrician & Gynecologist (Reproductive Endocrinology) (8)
- Occupational Therapist (135)
- Occupational Therapist (Driving and Community Mobility) (1)
- Occupational Therapist (Gerontology) (1)
- Occupational Therapist (Hand) (2)
- Occupational Therapist (Pediatrics) (4)
- Occupational Therapist (Physical Rehabilitation) (1)
- Occupational Therapy Assistant (32)
- Oncologist (23)
- Ophthalmologist (50)
- Ophthalmologist (Cornea and External Diseases Specialist) (1)
- Ophthalmologist (Retina Specialist) (2)
- Optician Technician/Technologist (8)
- Optometrist (51)
- Optometrist (Corneal and Contact Management) (5)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon (48)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon (Adult Reconstructive) (4)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon (Hand Surgery) (8)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon (Pediatric) (1)
- Orthopaedic Surgeon (Sports Medicine ) (7)
- Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon (1)
- Orthotic Fitter (6)
- Orthotist (13)
- Osteopath (Psychiatry-Addiction Medicine) (1)
- Otolaryngologist (32)
- Otolaryngologist (Facial Plastic Surgery within the Head & Neck) (1)
- Otolaryngologist (Otolaryngology/Facial Plastic Surgery) (2)
- Otolaryngologist (Otology & Neurotology) (2)
- Pain Medicine Physician (12)
- Pain Medicine Physician (Interventional) (6)
- Pain Physician (3)
- Paramedic (1)
- Pastoral Counselor (8)
- Pathologist (Hematology) (2)
- Pathologist (Microbiology) (1)
- Pathology Specialists/Technologists (Medical Technologist) (3)
- Pediatric Cardiologist (3)
- Pediatric Dentist (10)
- Pediatric Gastroenterologist (11)
- Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist (9)
- Pediatric Otolaryngologist (2)
- Pediatric Physiatrist (1)
- Pediatric Pulmonologist (6)
- Pediatric Rheumatologist (3)
- Pediatrician (122)
- Pediatrician (Allergy/Immunology) (1)
- Pediatrician (Critical Care Medicine) (6)
- Pediatrician (Developmental-Behavioral) (6)
- Pediatrician (Emergency Medicine) (1)
- Pediatrician (Endocrinology) (9)
- Pediatrician (Hospice and Palliative Medicine) (1)
- Pediatrician (Infectious Diseases) (6)
- Pediatrician (Nephrology) (6)
- Pediatrics Physical Therapist (10)
- Pedorthist (1)
- Peer Specialist (6)
- Personal Care Attendant Technician (3)
- Pharmacist (308)
- Pharmacist (Ambulatory Care) (5)
- Pharmacist (Critical Care) (2)
- Pharmacist (Oncology) (14)
- Pharmacist (Pharmacist Clinician (PhC)/Clinical Pharmacy Specialist) (23)
- Pharmacist (Pharmacotherapy) (7)
- Pharmacy (1)
- Pharmacy Technician (2)
- Phlebologist (1)
- Phlebotomy Technician (2)
- Physical Therapist (208)
- Physical Therapist (Geriatrics) (2)
- Physical Therapist (Human Factors) (1)
- Physical Therapist (Orthopedic) (5)
- Physical Therapist (Sports) (4)
- Physical Therapy Assistant (54)
- Physical Therapy Clinic/Center (2)
- Physician (Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry) (1)
- Physician (Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine) (1)
- Physician (Brain Injury Rehabilitation) (1)
- Physician (General Practice) (7)
- Physician (Neurocritical Care) (5)
- Physician (Preventive Medicine/Occupational-Environmental) (1)
- Physician (Public Health & General Preventive Medicine) (2)
- Physician (Rehabilitation) (23)
- Physician Assistant (578)
- Physician Assistant (Medical) (111)
- Physician Assistant (Surgical) (32)
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon (3)
- Plastic Surgeon (19)
- Podiatrist (6)
- Podiatrist (Foot & Ankle Surgery) (21)
- Podiatrist (Foot Surgery) (2)
- Podiatrist (Primary Medicine) (2)
- Primary Care Clinic/Center (2)
- Private Vehicle (2)
- Professional Counselor (238)
- Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier (2)
- Prosthetist (6)
- Psychiatric Hospital Unit (1)
- Psychiatrist (99)
- Psychiatrist (Addiction) (1)
- Psychiatrist (Child & Adolescent) (10)
- Psychiatrist (Geriatric) (1)
- Psychiatrist or Neurologist (Sleep Medicine) (4)
- Psychologist (48)
- Psychologist (Adult Development & Aging) (2)
- Psychologist (Clinical Child & Adolescent) (4)
- Psychologist (Cognitive & Behavioral) (2)
- Psychologist (Counseling) (4)
- Psychologist (Independent Practice) (3)
- Psychologist (Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities) (3)
- Pulmonologist (29)
- Radiologic Technologist (2)
- Radiologic Technologist (Computed Tomography) (1)
- Radiologic Technologist (Radiography) (1)
- Radiologic Technologist (Sonography) (1)
- Radiologist (Body Imaging) (20)
- Radiologist (Diagnostic Radiology) (108)
- Radiologist (Neuroradiology) (10)
- Radiologist (Nuclear Radiology) (2)
- Radiologist (Pediatric Radiology) (4)
- Radiologist (Radiation Oncology) (25)
- Radiologist (Therapeutic Radiology) (1)
- Radiologist (Vascular & Interventional Radiology) (6)
- Recreation Therapist (2)
- Registered Dietitian (86)
- Registered Dietitian (Metabolic Nutrition) (2)
- Registered Dietitian (Pediatric) (6)
- Registered Dietitian (Renal) (2)
- Registered Nurse (38)
- Registered Nurse (Adult Psych/Mental Health) (2)
- Registered Nurse (Case Management) (1)
- Registered Nurse (Critical Care Medicine) (4)
- Registered Nurse (Emergency) (1)
- Registered Nurse (General Practice) (2)
- Registered Nurse (Home Health) (3)
- Registered Nurse (Lactation Consultant) (2)
- Registered Nurse (Medical-Surgical) (5)
- Registered Nurse (Neonatal Intensive Care) (1)
- Registered Nurse (Nephrology) (1)
- Registered Nurse (Psych/Mental Health) (1)
- Registered Respiratory Therapist (1)
- Registered Respiratory Therapist (Critical Care) (1)
- Rehabilitation Counselor (2)
- Rehabilitation Practitioner (1)
- Residential Treatment Facility (Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities) (1)
- Respite Care Facility (2)
- Rheumatologist (18)
- School Counselor (5)
- School Psychologist (3)
- Skilled Nursing Facility (2)
- Social Worker (15)
- Specialist (34)
- Specialist (Prosthetics Case Management) (6)
- Specialist (Research Study) (1)
- Specialist/Technologist (1)
- Specialist/Technologist (Rehabilitation, Blind) (1)
- Specialist/Technologist, Other (Orthopedic Assistant) (1)
- Speech-Language Assistant Specialist/Technologist (4)
- Speech-Language Pathologist (333)
- Spinal Surgeon (2)
- Sports Chiropractor (1)
- Sports Medicine Physician (2)
- Sports Medicine Physician (Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine) (1)
- Student (882)
- Surgeon (Colon & Rectal) (1)
- Surgeon (Critical Care) (4)
- Surgeon (Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive) (1)
- Surgeon (Oncology) (1)
- Surgeon (Oral & Maxillofacial) (1)
- Surgeon (Pediatric) (2)
- Surgereon (Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery) (2)
- Technician (1)
- Technician, Other (1)
- Thoracic Surgeon (13)
- Transplant Surgeon (9)
- Trauma Surgeon (4)
- Urologist (43)
- Vascular Surgeon (17)
- Veterinarian (6)