Taxonomy Code 103TC2200X

The directory of Psychologists (Clinical Child & Adolescent) in Hackensack, New Jersey was last updated 6/30/2024

Brad J Cohen

2477 RT 516, STE 103, OLD BRIDGE, NJ

Telephone Number: (732)-679-6900


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Date NPI Record created: 9/14/2006

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Psychologists (Clinical Child & Adolescent)
Taxonomy Code 103TC2200X

Classification: Psychologist


A psychologist who develops and applies scientific knowledge to the delivery of psychological services to infants, toddlers, children and adolescents within their social context. Of particular importance to the specialty of clinical child psychology is an understanding of the basic psychological needs of children and adolescents, and how the family and other social contexts influence the socio-emotional adjustment, cognitive development, behavioral adaptation and health status of children and adolescents.


American Psychological Association,
[1/1/2007: title modified, 1/1/2019: new definition]

Additional Resources:
The APA specialty is Clinical Child Psychology.