Taxonomy Code 170300000X

The directory of Genetic Counselors in Towson, Maryland was last updated 6/30/2024

Aubrey Rogers


Telephone Number: (731)-414-7464

Nurse Practitioner (Primary Care)

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No Referral Data

Date NPI Record created: 3/21/2023

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Genetic Counselors
Taxonomy Code 170300000X

Classification: Genetic Counselor, MS


A masters trained health care provider who collects and interprets genetic family histories; assesses the risk of disease occurrence or recurrence; identifies interventions to manage or ameliorate disease risk; educates about inheritance, testing, management, prevention, ethical issues, resources, and research; and counsels to promote informed choices and adaptation. Certification was established in 1993 by the American Board of Genetic Counseling and prior to that by the American Board of Medical Genetics. Requirements for experience, licensure, and job responsibilities vary among the states.


Source: National Society of Genetic Counselors [7/1/2005: new]