Taxonomy Code 146D00000X

The directory of Emergency Response Attendants in Bangor, Maine was last updated 6/30/2024

Carvin Henry Short

1021 W 23RD ST, YUMA, AZ

Telephone Number: (928)-782-5260

Physical Therapy Clinic/Center

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Has Referral Data

Date NPI Record created: 10/2/2007

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Emergency Response Attendants
Taxonomy Code 146D00000X

Classification: Personal Emergency Response Attendant


Individuals that are specially trained to assist patients living at home with urgent/emergent situations. These individuals must be able to perform CPR and basic first aid and have sufficient counseling skills to allay fears and assist in working through processes necessary to resolve the crisis. Functions may include transportation to various facilities and businesses, contacting agencies to initiate remediation service or providing reassurance.